The Man Behind the Dream

Meet Alexander H. // C R E A T I V E C O N N EC T 

Where Did it all start? About 6 years ago was the first time I truly started to take a liking to the Media field. At this time I was fresh out of High School and just starting my freshman year at Niagara Community College. Now for those that don't know or have never been to this school, The way the campus is set up is quite small. The classroom building are in the middle of the property which is about a 15-20 min walk from the roads and stores. So you could imagine the boredom that would strike from not having a vehicle. Lucky I had a Kodak Point and Shoot to occupy my time. Mostly everyday for the next two years I would go to class and shoot in the surrounding forests areas just to clear my mind. I Honestly wasn't thinking of it being a career path at that time. I just did it to have fun and therapy to all the drama going on in my life at that time. The drama ended up getting the best of me in 2014, where I took a year off from school and just focused on my craft. That whole year I had the opportunity to work on different sets, be contracted in as a still photographer and begin to build the brand currently today known as Creativeconnect.

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